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About this project:

This project responds with aesthetics and function about restoring the roads next to the main tourist place in Icod de Los Vinos and granting access to the Drago's Visitors Center main entrance. The design was developed in consonance with the historic urban landscape of the city and with the architectural language of the singular building next to the site.

The city council Hall needed a pedestrian access to the building but the main door was not at the same height as the road, so the project needed to grant that access and also do it in style. The ramp that allows the access, drives the pedestrians through while the unique design of the handrail continues along the facade.

The handrail and its margin triangular matrix design was inspired on roads cobble stones that are found all over the city. In between each cobble stones plants grow because of the natural humidity found in the northern part of the island and so makes this triangular matrix. Due to gaps between each stone and during rainy days, the ramp inclination drives rainwater to this matrix allowing a natural watering and new vegetation, just like the ones found in between cobble stones.

Its been an honor to design such a nice project that connects so many variables and will hopefully last for many years in the future.



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